Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to Really Love your Kid

Hey There- Happy Saturday,
I am reading How to really parent Dr. Ross Campbell. I taught his grandson last year and they are the sweetest family. Truly. I just love them. Anyway, Dr. Campbell spoke at St. B's and I was impressed by a few of his statements about mercy and parenting.
He gave 1 John 3:16, 18 as a reference,
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. Dear children, let us not love in words or tongue but with actions and truth.

He states the 2 keys in the passage - TRUTH and LAID DOWN LIFE.

He goes on to say how we all as parents get that and ( this is my interpretation) we all feel and want to translate that.
However, he points out that so many adults state that they did not feel loved as a child.
Why is this?

Having loved his own, who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. John 13:1

Attention: TIme : Interaction

He goes on to quote Romans *:38-39 - NOthing can separate us from Christ's love.

He says we display love in 3 ways:
Focused Attention, Eye Contact, and Physical Touch. (This is me- It's like a making a choice to fall in love with your child - I mean in the parental way. ) We do this in our marriages but I have never really thought of it in terms of children. So much of the time the love and addoration comes so naturally. However, I can see that this is natural. We get down on there level, use expressive language, give hugs.

I am often scattered - so I really have a hard time giving focused attention. I am truly trying to work on this. I need to just do it - not work on it. I AM the Parent.

K's love language is complete and undivided attention. The car is great for this. She and I rock out to 80's music and she tells all her stuff. I find myself wishing I could drive her around forever and that this stage would never end.

Anyway, if you're reading this post kiddo. You're the best KID ever. LOL&L (lots of love and laughs)

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