Wednesday, February 1, 2012

He bow'd His ear down...

By night when others soundly slept
And hath at once both ease and Rest,
My waking eyes were open kept
And so to lie I found it best.

I sought him whom my Soul did Love,
With tears I sought him earnestly.
He bow'd his ear down from Above.
In vain I did not seek or cry.
My hungry Soul he fill'd with Good;
He in his Bottle put my tears,
My smarting wounds washt in his blood,
And banisht thence my Doubts and fears.

What to my Saviour shall I give
Who freely hath done this for me?
I'll serve him here whilst I shall live
And Love him to Eternity.
-Anne Bradstreet

He bow'd his ear down from Above.
In vain I did not seek or cry.
What is it that wakes you up at night?  Finances, a kiddo going through a seriously tough time,   broken relationship, a decision of direction that will change the landscape of life, broken health, a broken spirit?  -- some of these bring small ripples of concern, others much larger ripples and in these times I find myself searching in the wee hours of the morning for consolation amid the questions.

 I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy.
 Because he inclined his ear to me,
therefore I will call on him as long as I live. 
 -Psalm 116  


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