Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Afraid of the dark

"SALVATION IS OF THE LORD!" Charles H. Spurgeon

And if GOD does require the sinner—dead in sin—that he should take the first step, then he requireth just that which renders salvation as impossible under the gospel as ever it was under the law, seeing man is as unable to believe as he is to obey, and is just as much without power to come to Christ as he is without power to go to heaven without Christ. The power must be given to him of the Spirit. He lieth dead in sin: the Spirit must quicken him. He is bound hand and foot, fettered by transgression; the Spirit must cut his bonds, and then he will leap to liberty. GOD must come and dash the iron bars out of their sockets, and then he can escape afterwards, but unless the first thing be done for him, he must perish as surely under the gospel as he would have done under the law.
I would cease to preach, if l believed that God, in the matter of salvation, required anything whatever of man which He Himself had not also engaged to furnish.. I am the messenger. I tell you the master's message; if you do not like the message quarrel with the Bible, not with me; so long as I have Scripture on my side I will dare and defy you to do anything against me. Salvation is of the Lord The Lord has to apply it, to make the unwilling willing, to make the ungodly godly, and bring the vile rebel to the feet of Jesus, or else salvation will never be accomplished. Leave that one thing undone, and you have broken the link of the chain, the very link which was just necessary to its integrity. Take away the fact that God begins the good work, and that He sends us what the old divines call preventing grace-take that away, and you have spoilt the whole of salvation; you have just taken the key-stone out of the arch, and down it tumbles. There is nothing left then.
C. and I were talking about this in regards to being afraid. Sometimes praying doesn't help. "Repent and believe" is appropriate at this juncture, and so many others. C. is afraid of the dark, and so am I, my dark is a different dark; but the principle remains. God is the prime mover that moves me to the otherside of afraid, and I can look back and remember He has done this many times. So when I am afraid to frozen, I need to remember to repent of my little trust and ask God to give me big trust as I remember His faithfulness. He is the giver. We receive. And He also gives every little grain of reception. We can do nothing, and deserve no credit. He does everything, and deserves all credit. Isn't that glorious. What a relief... as we learn to walk in HIM.


jean said...

Wonderful! And, I do so love Spurgeon's sermons.

EJN said...

Spurgeon sermons are wonderful. Grace and peace to you.

Trisha said...

This is wonderful. I do love Spurgeon. But I also love when you share your thoughts, for they never fail to inspire and convict and encourage. Thank you for this timely reminder about fear and trust.

Petra said...

"We can do nothing, and deserve no credit. He does everything, and deserves all credit. Isn't that glorious." Indeed it is!! Thank you for sharing this gem!

Anonymous said...

Well said, especially I like... "What a Relief" as it really,, really is a relief!

Anonymous said...

The older I get the more I "get" that both salvation and sanctification are all of God's grace and mercy. Beautifully said Jojo.