Friday, January 6, 2012

Tools of the trade...

For Christmas, E. gave me Circulon pots and pans, unsolicited.  I have wanted a set since we were first married - they were extravagant and years ago, I teased, "Now, if I had those pans, I'd be a "real" wife".  But the Circulon mystic had long since left my radar, so when I opened them - I went - well - a little lunatic.  I was the Christmas morning three year old simultaneously shriek giggling, tearing  and jumping.   Good Times.
Later last week, as I sauteed the main ingredient for French Onion Soup I found myself glued as the speed with which the evenly glazed onions appeared in the dutch oven.  Impressive.  My pronouncement, "I LOVE these pans...this is amazing." It reminded me of a few things my dad might say about the scene, first, "You need the right tools for a job," and second, "You get what you pay for."

I'll grant these statements true, and not just because I've heard them no less than 300 times.  I started thinking about tools and paying in regards to writing.  I desire to write good poetry, but the truth is ...  I jot out a poem's rhyme and meter...and as my daughter starts to decipher and assess I see the page properly penned a bleeding red mess. In pan terms, my writing would be found in the Dollar Tree's  kitchen "a la China" aisle. I have thought, well more hoped, maybe Mr. Chesterton would deem Dollar Tree a good start... "if it's worth doing, it's worth doing badly" and all.

In short, I have very few tools for writing, and those I have, I don't know how to use. As for payment, my repertoire of knowledge  is more akin to a kiddie bucket than a reservoir... I get to start somewhere, and not being a prodigy of any sort, me thinks it must be in the "bad"lands.


Trisha said...

Me thinks you greatly underestimate yourself, dear Jo!! Yay for those long desired pots and pans. What a treat, and yes, what a difference the right tools make.

My son, aka InkSlinger, finished Wilson's Wordsmithy a couple of days ago. He's declared it his favorite non-fiction read of 2012. (Ha...we're only a few days into the year.) We'll see if that changes, but nonetheless, it's evidently an amazing book.

I love your way with words, my friend!

EJN said...

Thanks Trisha!
Worthsmithy is great - I am sure to read it several more times this year.
Love to you,