The Lord's DayThe secret of the Bride come near,
And happy the faces gathered here.
We are many, we are one,
Bound in Him - Eternal Son.
So whether tired or sorrow filled,
That we come, this is His will.
Beckoned here by His own call,
And by His grace do we enter all,
In chapel small or cathedral grand,
'Tis round God's throne bared we stand.
In mercies sweet, and forgiveness full,
Eminent Anthem of Life - You rule.
-J.N. 7/7/13 Messiah Lutheran, Nampa ID
I jotted this down a few weeks ago as I watched the people mill and listened to the preceding music to the Introit. Precious families with cherub faced babies and ones with teens sitting next to their Moms and Dads. There was a baptism of three daughters, 4,6, &12 and their first communion later in service.
I'd been at my Mom's for almost three months and had visited three churches - where I went depended on times and health constraints. This was a later, "contemporary service" I had chaffed at going to, but with circumstances it was my only safe choice as it was just an hour long and two minutes away.
During the Table, I watched as these precious families went forward and received the table. The Lord again put His sword on my pride and I sat there in complete admonishment and complete joy concurrently. As the Holy Spirit knocked my noggin at each blessing, my heart swelled with thanksgiving and a knowing I was right where He wanted me.
I'm am thankful to be home. Sitting with my husband and our great-nephew yesterday as we took the elements, I remembered. The Bride sits on rows, and on benches, on floors, in houses, in chapels, in great buildings, and He is there, He is the Center, He rules. Blessed be His name.
Beautiful, Jojo! What a blessed time that must have been with your Mom, too. Welcome home. :)
Thank you, Trisha. The time was precious, she is a wonderful woman and so very thankful for the smallest of God's gifts with exuberant joy. I'm thankful for her, she makes me smile. And I am very happy to be home - no place like it! :0)
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